Our Story
I grew up in Philadelphia with hard working parents and three siblings. Summer vacations on Lake Winnipesaukee began at the young age of 8 and I recall my first Lake Winni adventure vividly and quite fondly.
When told of the news that our vacations were moving to a big lake in New Hampshire, from our traditional Jersey Shore summers, us kids, couldn't wait. We planned and packed enough gear that a U-haul trailer was needed to tow. We settled into our Ford station wagon with our two dogs for a long 13 hour drive. The adventure had begun!
It was 1966 and I recall my father scrambling through multiple town maps and navigating a new and unfamiliar route. As we entered Massachusetts, with hours left to go, it began to rain, actually it poured. It continued to rain as we threaded our way along unmarked dirt roads, but with several wrong turns finally behind us, we found our lakeside cottage! We happily unpacked, ate dinner and strained our eyes to see out the windows, but the incessant rain and pitch darkness made it difficult.

Fortunately, rain doesn't last forever and the next morning we awoke to sunshine and a spectacular view of Lake Winnipesaukee! I swim-suited up and raced outside to the beach - It was so magnificently beautiful. In 1966 cottages were few and far between and in sight was primarily a gorgeous shore lined with trees, sand and rock formation. Bring on the exploring, I thought!
Then, in front of the neighboring cottage, I noticed a boat out on a mooring filled with water. It was swamped and it's engine submerged. Under the supervision of my father, I swam out to the boat, unhooked it from the mooring and tugged it into shore. We pulled it on to the beach, grabbed a bucket and bailed out the boat. Once empty, my father and I tied the bow of the boat to a strong tree. I felt good. Happy we had saved the boat.
When the neighbors arrived home and saw their boat on the beach, tied to a tree, they came and knocked on our cottage door. After speaking with my father and learning of the rescue, they were grateful, elated, and hailed me as a young hero. As a thank you, they offered to take me on a boat ride. I wanted nothing more!
The boat turned out to be a Boston Whaler and it was fast and, most of all, fun! The owner drove me all over the lake - out on the wide open broads and into quiet coves. I learned of fishing nooks, swim spots, peaceful corners and places to observe loons.
This was my first Lake Winnipesaukee Adventure!
In the fifty-four years since that day, I have enjoyed many incredible adventures on Lake Winnipesaukee with our own boats - coincidentally, the first boat being a small Boston Whaler. The lake offered me the chance to learn to water ski, not only traditional style, but slalom and barefoot! Fishing, boating to lakeside towns to shop, dine and explore, discovering islands with beaches, nature trails and cliffs to jump from, oh and meeting my wife as a teenager, have all been integral to my life-long Lake Winni experience.
I now share these adventures with my wife, Nancy (be sure to ask me about our fun love story), my children, step children and grand kids, on the perfect boat; a Boston Whaler 280 Outrage with 800 HP!
I once went an entire summer without having to get in a car! I went everywhere, and did everything, by boat- or I simply didn’t go!
I soon hope to help you create your own adventures, and with them, lasting memories!
Bob Slap
Owner and Operator
Lake Winnipesaukee Adventures